Born in New York in 1951, Bill Viola is one of the world's leading video artists. He has been making video art since 1970, when the first portable cameras and recorders became available. His work has ranged from single videotapes to immersive architectural video installations including video projections, sound and sometimes physical objects. Deeply involved in Buddhism, Viola's preoccupations have always been the inner or spiritual-self and the boundaries of consciousness. Since the death of his parents and birth of his children in the 1990s his work has often drawn on his own life to explore recurring themes of birth, death, self-discovery and personal tranformation.
Сейчас видеоарт Билла Виолы (а точнее одну работу - "Квинтет памяти") можно увидеть в одном из бастионов Петропавловской крепости.
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