The roots of the tree are in the sky
Что я нашла! Я нашла очень редкий и поистине потрясающий мультфильм о Бердсли. Из Хаммерсмита. Стивен Кэллоуэй, куратор музея V&A, рекомендует к просмотру. Он - автор комментариев, которые приведены под каждой частью.

Part 1.

The artist Aubrey Beardsley died in 1898 at the age of 25 from consumption (TB).
The film After Beardsley attempts to depict today's world through Beardsley's eyes and in his drawing style. Part 1 sets the scene by showing some of Beardsley's better known drawings, some of which take on a different guise later in the film, along with photographs of him, courtesy of the Victoria & Albert Museum. Written and drawn by Chris James, after Aubrey Beardsley. Music by Ronnie Fowler.

+ две части

@темы: great british, искусство